It’s #FairtradeFortnight2023 and this year the initiative focuses on the ‘Future of Food’ and the urgent threat posed by climate change.
At the Lorna Young Foundation, we are proud to be working currently with two Fairtrade tea cooperatives -Sireet Outgrowers Empowerment and Producer Co Ltd in Nandi County Kenya and Sukambizi Association Trust in Mulanje, Malawi.
Smallholder tea farmers from both cooperatives are now the stars of their own Farmers’ Voice Radio programmes – the initiative created by the Lorna Young Foundation – and through this, they share their knowledge and experience with thousands of others about what works for them, to make their crops and their livelihoods more resilient to increasing temperatures and more extreme and unpredictable weather events.
Listener Paulina in Nandi, Kenya, said about their radio programme, ‘The Sound of Farmers from Sireet OEP’: “We get empowered and get new skills of farming. I heard when they were talking about… soil management and I now know the benefits of using mulch as it conserves water.”
We wish everybody involved in the activism and celebration of the Fortnight – a very happy Fairtrade two weeks!