We always maximise the resources going to the people we support; we keep overheads to an absolute minimum and don’t have a designated office base.Your donation is incredibly valuable to us. You can support our work in a number of ways:
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You can donate online using PayPal; just click the button below.
Donate by Cheque – and Gift Aid it – Cheques can be made out to ‘The Lorna Young Foundation’, and posted to: The LYF, 47 Lea Lane, Netherton, Huddersfield, HD4 7DP, UK. Please fill out the Gift Aid form when you send a cheque.
Please notify Lorna Young Foundation if you:
- Want to cancel this declaration
- Change your name or home address
- No longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains.
Make it easy on yourself…if you give via payroll, you can also add in the Gift Aid. If you would like to give via payroll, please let us know. Contact Us.
The LYF does not employ a professional fundraiser. This means that we would be over the moon if you or your organisation would be interested in carrying out a fundraising activity on our behalf. Whether you would delighted to hear from you.