Category Archives: Project News


Radio User magazine feature article on the LYF’s innovative Farmer Radio Projects

Floods, Uganda and Radio

How our Farmer Radio approach is helping to tackle flooding crises in Uganda

Lorna’s Biographical Honour & A Parliamentary Motion

Lorna Young selected for inclusion! Honouring Scottish Women.

LYF Ghana Farmer Radio Field Training

What’s happening in Ghana? LYF with CARE International and Christian Aid as they support us to record our Farmer Radio programmes with local communities.

Open-Sourcing with Two Hannahs

Our NEW Team Members!

LYF To Open-Source its Farmer Radio Programmes

The Lorna Young Foundation has launched a new Open Source Farmer Radio initiative; offering free-to-use resources for small farmer groups in developing countries, to set up and run farmer radio programmes.

The LYF launches Farmer Radio in Ghana

June 2017, and the Lorna Young Foundation travelled to Ghana and Burkina Faso to launch BRAVE’s radio extension programme. The aim is to improve the resilience of farming communities to droughts and lack of access to good quality water. Ultimately this impacts on both their health and livelihoods, through their ability to grow food crops and keep livestock.

Community Groundwater Resources in Ghana and Burkina Faso

The LYF is working with Reading University to help communities identify sustainable groundwater resources in Ghana and Burkina Faso.

Chai ni Mali – the Value of Tea

We are all pretty familiar with the value of tea in our own lives (where indeed would polite society be without it?) But one of the aims of the Lorna Young Foundation is to support small tea farmers in developing countries to receive the true value of their crop.

Farmer Radio in Tanzania

Cristina Talens from the LYF in the UK and Jasmine Bakula, our fabulous radio presenter from the DRC travelled to Rungwe to record the first radio programmes of Chai Ni Mali – the latest LYF Farmer Radio venture