Tag Archives: consumerism

Lorna Young’s Legacy – Cafedirect still showing its credentials

Lorna Young was one of the founders of Cafedirect, and…

BBC Radio 4 Food Programme on the Coffee Supply Chain

http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/b011297w  As global coffee prices continue to reach record highs;…

Is Fair Trade the Answer? Huffington Post


fair trade coffee and other product sales growing


How Ethical are the big coffee shop chains? – essential reading for all coffee drinkers


Landmark Statement from Fairtrade, Utz, RA

The major ethical trade certification organisations have agreed a joint…

Fairtrade the Solution for Cocoa-Growing Nations?

Another thought-provoking article about fair trade; this time with cocoa…

Kenyan Perspective on Rising Coffee Prices

An interesting news piece which gives a fresh angle on…

An interesting article from the USA about the price pressures…

The Growth in Ethical Consumerism?

The TSIC  recently released a briefing on ‘The Growing Power of Ethical…