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June 2017, and the Lorna Young Foundation travelled to Ghana and Burkina Faso to launch BRAVE’s radio extension programme. The aim is to improve the resilience of farming communities to droughts and lack of access to good quality water. Ultimately this impacts on both their health and livelihoods, through their ability to grow food crops and keep livestock.
Cristina Talens from the LYF in the UK and Jasmine Bakula, our fabulous radio presenter from the DRC travelled to Rungwe to record the first radio programmes of Chai Ni Mali – the latest LYF Farmer Radio venture
In March 2014,LYF Project Manager Cristina Talens, Joseph Macharia and Ringtons’ Responsible Sourcing Manager spent a week in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania, working with staff from the Wakulima Tea Company (WATCO) and the RSTGA, to set up a Smallholder Support Network radio-extension programme.
The Lorna Young Foundation’s Radio presenter Jasmin talks of the Lorna Young Foundation’s radio outreach programme and how it is trying to improve women’s lives through cocoa in the DRC
Our Trustee, Julie Harrington, joined the LYF after spending several months supporting us through the Small Charities Coalition Skills Sharing Programme. Here is an extract of an interview with Julie by the SCC.
After a decade of working with small producers on climate related projects, our very own Cristina Talens – LYF International Programmes Manager, has now launched the World’s first climate-change gourmet coffee.
The LYF’s Not Just a Trading Company is delivering real impact for young people and Fair Trade…..
Joseph Macharia (project manager with the LYF in Kenya) explains his innovative approach to motivating young people in Kenya to work in agriculture.